GypsyWander Blog

3 Steps to Discovering Your Life Purpose

Determining our purpose in life can be one of the most daunting and complicated questions humans try to answer. There is no right or wrong way to determine this; it usually comes with a lot of trial and error. Sometimes, you need a guide to get you going, so let’s look at a step-by-step process exploring your feelings and options. By the end, you should have a reasonably solid tool to employ in helping to give you meaningful direction immediately!

There are three steps to the process of discovering the purpose of your life:

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Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

Is it time to get out of your comfort zone?

Comfort zones are great. They're familiar, secure places where we feel at home and comfortable. But sometimes, it's time to get out of your comfort zone and experience something new. Here are some common reasons people stay in their comfort zones:

You've always done it that way.

It's easy to get stuck in your comfort zone. After all, why would you want to leave when you're comfortable and not being challenged? But if you always stay in your comfort zone, how can anything change? If there is no change in your life, nothing will grow or improve--and ultimately, this means stagnation and mediocrity at best. Who wants that? Challenge your status quo!

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Van Life, Wellness, Lifestyle Guides, Personal Growth Catina Borgmann Van Life, Wellness, Lifestyle Guides, Personal Growth Catina Borgmann

Having an Off Day or Week? Try These 2 Simple Solutions

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I feel less than great. Crabby, grouchy, sad, and bored are all words you could use to describe what I’m like in those days and I’m probably not the best company. The thing is, days like those are part of the deal with being human – it’s not an elective. There will always be off days, and that’s okay.

But what happens when you get a whole string of those off-days, maybe lasting weeks, months, or even years? Too many of us say that we’re in a rut, feel stuck, burned out, or bored, and admit that we don’t want things to be that way, but we don’t know what to do to change. That’s the problem, when you’re in a rut, you don’t have the energy or motivation to change things for the better, and it’s tough to find the insight or resources you need to make that jump.

Here are two fun and easy ways you can use right now to climb, or better yet, leap, out of the rut and start to get something better for yourself.

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This Is Some Heavy Stuff: Reflections on Life and Van Life

I get in moods where I just want to get rid of all the extra things and stuff I have accumulated. I feel the weight of all the excess, and I want to simplify, clear out, and clean out. I moved to North Carolina just over 4 years ago. Preparing for that move meant getting rid of a lot. I only took with me what would fit in my Trailblazer.

Since that move from Nebraska to North Carolina, I've moved a total of nine times! Yes, nine. There was no intention of moving after that initial move, but life happens and circumstances change.

I just passed the year mark of living at my current place. A year! It is the longest I have lived in one place during the last four years.

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Van Life, Lifestyle Guides, Inspiration, Travel Tips Catina Borgmann Van Life, Lifestyle Guides, Inspiration, Travel Tips Catina Borgmann

Welcome to GypsyWander: Your Van Life Adventure Begins Here! 

My goal here is to support, inspire, and encourage free-spirited women.

 Have you ever said:

  •  “I feel so unfulfilled in life. There has to be something more.”

  • “I’m restless and want to go on adventures.”

  • “I feel so tired and have no energy because nothing I do gets me excited.”

  • “I want out of this cage and to feel free!”

  • “I can’t wait until the day I can finally live my dreams.”

  • “I just don’t fit into these social norms.”

If you have ever had these thoughts, then you are in the right place!

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